Kathy Howa

25 year career ended by a drunk driver. Back to school at 57, a new degree teaching health. battled cancer twice! 32 years, never quit.


Placed 9th

in the Quarter-Finals

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What is your favorite part of being an educator?

The best gift a student can give you is when they come back to tell you that you made an impact in their lives, I love the interaction with young students and athletes. When I teach health to 8th graders, I get to help them understand that the decisions they make right then, may impact the rest of their lives. I get to teach them social skills, sex education, communication, and to be good people in the community. Most importantly, to be that teacher they know that cares for all!

Tell us about your most memorable teaching experience.

I teach health education, we have a unit in first aid and learn how to perform CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver. One of my students saved another student from choking to death in the lunchroom. He just learned it in class and threw his arms up in the air and screamed my name! It was his best friend. He is now in school to be an EMT and fireman. My kids are in a very low economic area and believed in himself! All caught on film, my most memorable experience! Video was in USA Today, Humankind!

What would you do with the $25,000?

I would love to buy supplies for my students and my classroom. Some of my students come without breakfast, I would fill the school's pantry with food. A vacation would be amazing, I need no pity about my struggles with cancer, I'm a lucky human being and doing well! It's been a long battle and have not missed much school through all of it. I get tired from the maintenance medication and would love to go somewhere warm where my joints won't hurt, get away from doctor appointments, and relax.