Holly Pawlowski

"My kids" are my heart and soul. I do whatever it takes to help them believe in themselves and work towards success.


Placed 4th

in their group

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What is your favorite part of being an educator?

There is NOTHING that compares to moment the "switch clicks on" for a child. When they have success, then they realize their success...the surprise, joy, excitement, ALL OF IT, bring tears to my eyes every time! It was a teacher who impacted my life and I knew that I wanted to play a role in the foundation of who children become also. We celebrate every victory! Working with children of various ages and backgrounds makes it even more special because I too get to learn from them too!

Tell us about your most memorable teaching experience.

Child, 2nd attempt in 1st grade, just couldn't get her to make any progress. This kept me up at night. Finally, I just decided to ask her why. Her broken-hearted response, "my last teacher told me I was stupid and I won't ever do it." Had her erase the white board for me...asked if she still saw anything there. "No." I said sometimes people tell us things that we accept but they are not the truth. We need to erase what you heard. Pretented to erase our minds. From that moment on, she blossomed!

What would you do with the $25,000?

I work two jobs to make my life work and to be able to teach at a school that is minimum income, but I am seeing so much student progress and wasn't willing to give it up. This teaching mama would pay off some debt but first, I would take a much needed vacation that right now is only available in my dreams :) Let's be real, I am a teacher...you know some of that is ending up in my classroom too!