Alma Escamilla

I excel as a teacher by fostering a love for learning, understanding each student's needs, and creating a positive, supportive environment.


Placed 4th

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What is your favorite part of being an educator?

The best part of teaching is experiencing numerous "aha" moments as students grasp new concepts. Observing their growth and development as learners brings profound joy. Building strong connections and fostering curiosity is deeply fulfilling. Each day offers opportunities to inspire and empower minds, making teaching an immensely rewarding experience. Together, we ignite flames of knowledge and shape the future. Teaching isn't just what I do; it's who I am, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Tell us about your most memorable teaching experience.

My most memorable teaching experience was with a student in my special education class who initially struggled with behavior. With patience and support, he improved remarkably, eventually achieving the highest grades on tests. His face lit up with pride and joy at his moment of triumph, and his newfound eagerness to learn was inspiring, reminding me of the transformative power of education. His growth reinforced my passion for teaching and reaffirmed my belief in the potential of every student.

What would you do with the $25,000?

I would use the $25,000 to invest in educational resources for my classroom. By purchasing modern technology, diverse literature, and hands-on materials, I can create an enriched learning environment where students can thrive. Additionally, I would allocate funds for professional development opportunities to refine my teaching methods and better meet the diverse needs of my students. Prioritizing investments in education not only enhances academic outcomes but also nurtures the next generation.